Atomics and Memory Model


This document describes the semantics of atomic operations and the managed memory model in C#, CIL, and the BCL.

The information here is based on the Ecma 334 and 335 specifications, MSDN documentation for the relevant BCL methods and equivalent Win32 functions, and the source code of CoreCLR and CoreFX.

It is assumed that the reader understands basic concepts of memory models: Different memory barrier kinds, acquire and release semantics, the meaning of atomicity, and so on.

The actual implementation of these operations in Mono is described at he end.


Atomicity in the CLI

Any load or store that is smaller than or equal to IntPtr.Size shall be atomic, but does not imply a barrier of any kind. Operations on 64-bit quantities are only atomic on 64-bit systems.

The source/destionation address of a load/store operation must be properly aligned for the data type for the above guarantees to hold.

If a load or store to an address happens at the same time as another load or store to that address but of a different size, all bets are off and no atomicity is guaranteed.

These rules apply to high-level languages like C# and F# as they target the CLI.

volatile. prefix opcode in CIL

When the volatile. prefix opcode is used in CIL, it imposes acquire/release semantics on the next non-prefix opcode. For loads, it results in acquire semantics. For stores, it results in release semantics.

This prefix opcode has no effect on atomicity beyond the standard rules of the CLI.

volatile keyword in C#

The volatile keyword in C# compiles down to CIL loads and stores prefixed with the volatile. opcode.

C#’s volatile cannot be applied to 64-bit quantities because regular loads and stores in CIL do not guarantee atomicity for 64-bit quantities on 32-bit systems, and the Volatile class did not exist when the volatile keyword was designed. Today, volatile on 64-bit quantities could conceivably be compiled down to Volatile.Read and Volatile.Write calls.

Thread class

The VolatileRead and VolatileWrite methods perform loads and stores with acquire and release semantics, respectively. They guarantee absolutely nothing about atomicity beyond the standard rules of the CLI. In effect, this means that the 64-bit overloads of these methods are not atomic on 32-bit systems.

There is a quirk in the .NET implementation where these methods actually use the MemoryBarrier method to insert a barrier. This is stronger than a simple acquire or release barrier. We do the same for compatibility.

The MSDN documentation incorrectly states that the C# compiler emits calls to VolatileRead and VolatileWrite when using the volatile keyword.

The MemoryBarrier method inserts a full sequential consistency barrier.

Volatile class

The methods on the Volatile class are all atomic regardless of system bitness, and result in acquire and release barriers for loads and stores respectively.

The 64-bit methods on this class are not atomic with respect to loads or stores made through other means than the methods on this class and the Interlocked class. This is because such 64-bit operations may need to be implemented with a lock on 32-bit systems.

The MSDN documentation incorrectly states that the C# compiler emits calls to this class’s methods when using the volatile keyword.

Interlocked class

The methods on the Interlocked class are all atomic regardless of system bitness, and all have sequential consistency semantics.

The 64-bit methods on this class are not atomic with respect to loads or stores made through other means than the methods on this class and the Volatile class. This is because such 64-bit operations may need to be implemented with a lock on 32-bit systems.

The MemoryBarrier method is just an alias for Thread.MemoryBarrier.


CLI rules

When we see a CIL opcode prefixed with volatile., we insert a memory_barrier IR opcode before or after the IR opcodes that make up the operation. This memory_barrier opcode is flagged with the appropriate barrier kind (MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_ACQ or MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_REL). memory_barrier opcodes are never reordered, and impose the necessary reordering restrictions on the surrounding IR opcodes as well.

We expect all targets to support a memory_barrier opcode.

Thread, Volatile, and Interlocked methods

The unoptimized behavior for these methods is to perform an icall into the runtime where they are implemented in C code usually through C compiler intrinsics, or in the case of the 64-bit Volatile and Interlocked methods on a 32-bit system, with a lock.

We only use the icalls on targets where, for whatever reason, we can’t replace calls to these methods with IR opcodes.


On most targets, we replace calls to the BCL methods with IR opcodes.

Thread methods

Calls to MemoryBarrier (and the alias on Interlocked) are replaced with the memory_barrier IR opcode with the MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_SEQ kind.

Calls to VolatileRead and VolatileWrite are replaced with regular load*_membase and store*_membase IR opcodes coupled with a memory_barrier IR opcode with either MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_ACQ or MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_REL.

Volatile methods

Calls to Read and Write are replaced with atomic_load_* and atomic_store_* IR opcodes flagged with MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_ACQ or MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_REL. These opcodes imply a memory barrier by themselves and as such cannot be reordered and impose reordering restrictions on surrounding opcodes, like the memory_barrier IR opcode.

Interlocked methods

Calls to Read are replaced with the atomic_load_i8 IR opcode flagged with MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_SEQ.

Calls to Increment and Decrement are replaced with the atomic_add_i4 and atomic_add_i8 IR opcodes.

Calls to Exchange are replaced with the atomic_exchange_i4 and atomic_exchange_i8 IR opcodes.

Calls to CompareExchange are replaced with the atomic_cas_i4 and atomic_cas_i8 IR opcodes.

The atomic_add_*, atomic_exchange_*, and atomic_cas_* IR opcodes all imply MONO_MEMORY_BARRIER_SEQ barriers (despite not explicitly being flagged) and behave as such in the IR with respect to reordering restrictions.