Release Notes Mono
Mono is a portable and open source implementation of the .NET framework for Unix, Windows, MacOS and other operating systems.
Table of contents |
Major Highlights
Mono is a bugfix release for Mono 2.4, a follow up to Release_Notes_Mono 2.4.3 which is the foundation for Novell’s own long-term support Mono-based product.
In addition to bug fixes, this release includes the following major changes from 2.4.3:
Changes since Mono 2.4.3
- r148925 - Fixes the IPY+Chiron test case.
- 563909 - [REGRESSION] 2.4.3 gmcs SIGABRT
Changes since Mono 2.4.2
New license compiler (lc) contributed by RemObjects.
Upgraded xbuild, our msbuild implementation, it should compile more projects.
Fine tuned memory usage, improved performance in various server loads. This release also contains many updates to the Mono Debugger, Windows.Forms, ASP.NET and ADO.NET.
The Apache module now supports disabling the protection of hidden files, and improves the mod_mono control panel.
Solaris should not get the warning “Large stack limit” anymore.
Bugs fixed since Mono 2.4
- 312968 - HttpWebRequest can not handle WWW-Authenticate with POST
- 321718 - ORACLE: Reading Unicode characters from the database is throwing a LOB form mismatch error
- 321949 - gmcs assumes bad home directory for user 0 (often root, but sometimes not)
- 322330 - {Regression} FileSystemWatcher events have incorrect information
- 322695 - When passed double-byte characters as OracleParameter’s value, ExecuteNonQuery throw Exception
- 322934 - StructLayout for DateTime passed to managed code
- 322974 - DataGrid: insert row difference
- 323051 - DataGrid: Row selection difference
- 323052 - DataGrid: multi-row selection not possible using mouse
- 323111 - DataGrid: Unexpected column in DataGrid with DataGridColumnStyle
- 323452 - WebRequest exceptions don’t match MS
- 324182 - Stream from HttpWebResponse cannot timeout
- 332875 - Exception with ReadXmlSchema
- 357642 - X11 Clipboard: DataObject.GetData(…) fails for custom data formats
- 381151 - DataAdapter returns 0 rows after an SQL timeout occured
- 385028 - DbCommandBuilder InsertCommand doesn’t use default values
- 385029 - Multple errors using Mysql Connector and DbCommandBuilder
- 392875 - SmtpClient doesn’t escape dots
- 393775 - SaveFileDialog + richtextbox
- 402158 - DragDrop event is not fired on form
- 421827 - {PATCH} CookieContainer.GetCookie skips cookie when domain has no leading dot
- 424908 - Oracle - stored procedure returning string throws exception - Size must be set
- 427769 - Typed datasets binary serialization error
- 448296 - DataTable.Rows.Clear does not raise DataTable.TableClear{ing,ed}
- 458607 - DomainUpDown: text could be edit in a ReadOnly DomainUpDown control
- 464191 - TreeView / TreeNode selection isn’t cancelled properly
- 464765 - Inconsistencie in certmgr arguments handeling
- 465019 - DataGrid: Crash when adding a ColumnStyle and DataSource doesn’t contain mapped column
- 465021 - DataGrid: Adding a column to DataSource after setting DataSource doesn’t add it.
- 465613 - HttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream throws ProtocolViolationException
- 465696 - StaticSiteMapProvider complains about multiple nodes with the same URL ‘index.aspx’
- 467418 - ListView in VirtualMode uses too much memory and is slow
- 469217 - Pointers can not reference marshaled structures.
- 469967 - Mono deletes chars in a TextBox with enabled AutoCompletion
- 470451 - null reference in TreeView/MouseMoveHandler
- 471094 - TreeView with empty ImageList is unstable
- 471257 - Inconsistent Reflection behavior with custom Binder on Mono versus .NET
- 471782 - NRE in WebConnectionStream.Close()
- 473660 - Disabled button images don’t look the same as .NET (grayscale / greyed out)
- 473725 - MessageBox.Show() makes no sound
- 474889 - PrintPreviewDialog toolbar overlaps the PrintPreviewControl control
- 475581 - The item text is not displaying fully in a checkedlistview/listbox when the horizontal and Vertical scrollbars are enabled
- 477655 - ContextMenu: menu items couldn’t be navigated by keyboard
- 478498 - ListView: EnsureVisible() doesn’t work correctly
- 478555 - ColorDialog doesn’t show help button when it with “;ShowHelp = True”;
- 478689 - ListView control with ListViewGroups doesn’t work correctly
- 479397 - ContextMenuStrip: ToolStripMenuItem is missing “;focused”; state when using AtkSelection.
- 481559 - uninitialized local causes failed assertion in mono_local_regalloc
- 482181 - ClassifiedsStarterKit acts like you’re logged in, even though you’re not (<location> sections ignored)
- 483146 - ToolStripDropDown does not size properly
- 483985 - Wrong behavior of generic SortedList compared to .Net behavior
- 484795 - {PATCH}WebClient.UploadValues using UTF-8 encoding and “;POST”; method do not upload accented characters properly
- 485769 - Remove element of a ToolStrip
- 489339 - ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
- 489393 - Clipboard not working
- 489625 - System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.SelectedText
- 490937 - TabControl.TabPages.Clear() raise exception when TabControl.SelectedTab != null
- 491978 - ListView: behavior when using Groups isn’t consistent with Windows
- 492549 - {PATCH} DataGridView: Clearing columns and re-adding when when CurrentCell is set throws Exception. .NET difference
- 492815 - ContextMenuStrip Work incorrectly
- 493308 - MaxDropDownItems property of a DropDown is ignored
- 494031 - DataGridView: combo box list items are not updated
- 495957 - bundled machine.config files no longer work
- 497175 - Exceptions thrown in a method that is invoked via Control.Invoke are not propagated to the caller
- 499851 - Need notification for UIA when a PopupButton gains focus
- 499887 - TabControl.GotFocus event not fired when SelectionIndex is set
- 500213 - {PATCH} Setting ScrollableControl.HScroll property when AutoScroll is true displays different behavior to .NET
- 500917 - crash on DateTimePicker.Paint event with DateTimePicker.Value.Year >= 9990
- 501276 - {PATCH} implement multi byte input support for winforms
- 502029 - DateTimePicker: some children are not accessible by orca
- 502567 - NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an obj ect at System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode.set_Checked (Boolean value) {0x00066}
- 503064 - (Open/Save) FileDialog size grows upon sequential show
- 503174 - Can not paste or insert RTF text to a RichTextBox control.
- 503435 - BinaryFormatter.Deserialize attempts to set stream Position (causes exception with BZip2InputStream)
- 503469 - e.Handled ignored
- 503663 - Default accelerator keys do not work correctly for ToolStripMenuItems of ToolStrips
- 503935 - Certain keystrokes sent to a MessageBox will crash the application
- 506796 - bug with DataGridViewBand.DefaultHeaderCellType
- 506838 - DataGridView does not associate with DataTable correctly when databound
- 507120 - GetListItemType throws NullReferenceException when dataSource’s type is DataViewManager
- 507459 - ToolStripComboBox does not conside Handled
- 507462 - Labels on tool strip are aligned at the bottom. All other controlls are center aligned.
- 507663 - DbDataAdapter/DbCommandBuilder and MySql not working together on Mono
- 508027 - HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponseStream throws ProtocolViolationException
- 508487 - Segmentation fault when pedump –verify all on an assembly generated by smcs
- 508541 - ComboBox useless vertical scrollbar + ComboBoxStyle.Simple issues
- 508586 - On disposing components (Tooltip, MainMenu etc) from Form the components collection should be cleared too
- 509142 - Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
- 509152 - Down arrow does not show the zoom menu on the PrintPreviewDialog
- 509199 - Clipboard.SetDataObject doesn’t handle objects that implement System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject correctly. .NET difference
- 509299 - Zoom menu stays open when Alt+F4 is pressed to close the PrintPreviewDialog
- 509406 - still a problem with System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.get_trace at web compilation
- 509472 - {PATCH} Splitter works wrong
- 509985 - Pressing buttons with the keyboard does not work as expected with ToolBarButtons
- 510030 - ToolBarButton with DropDownButton style stays impressed after being clicked
- 510176 - Problem with DataView events not being thrown, elements not being added after RejectChanges, etc
- 510642 - HttpWebRequest: No ProtoviolationException when writing beyond specified content-length
- 510661 - HttpWebRequest: IOException not wrapped in WebException when request stream cannot be closed
- 510728 - Difference in behavior of DataObject.SetData(object) compard to .NET
- 510852 - FtpWebRequest crashes with out of range exception
- 511247 - Adding a lot of items to a ToolStripComboBox using AddRange is SLOW
- 511267 - RichTextBox Modified property not automatically set when text changes
- 511515 - RichTextBox SaveToFile doesn’t save linebreaks always as CRLF in Windows
- 511849 - {PATCH} Retrieving DataObjects placed onto Clipboard doesn’t preserve custom formats, when Text/String format is also placed on Clipboard .NET difference
- 511851 - HttpWebRequest.Begin* methods do not throw a WebException if abort has been called.
- 511882 - ContentPanel in <title> not working
- 512115 - ForeColor for selected listbox item in ownerdraw mode should be set to highlighted text
- 512521 - Deleting colorized RichTextBox line throws an exception
- 512807 - DataGridView poor performance for moderate number of records (1000) makes it unusable
- 512816 - DataGridView horizontal scrolling not working with keyboard
- 513000 - Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(TimeSpan.Zero) should be allowed
- 513029 - HorizontalScrollbar for ListBox should show only if needed
- 513030 - Copy and Paste in RichTextBox leads to unreadable overwritten text
- 513087 - WebRequest has problems with non-standard methods
- 513849 - HttpListener does not release the specified port by listener prefixes.
- 513931 - Debug builds of assemblies compiled with .net don’t run properly with Mono JIT
- 514096 - CS0677 error on volatile IntPtr
- 514368 - Not default font make Tabpage header text truncated
- 514506 - IronPython 2.6 Beta 1 crashes at shutdown after zope.interface is imported
- 514591 - HttpWebRequest.Abort on a non-responsive asynchronous HttpWebRequest, leaves the TCP socket open.
- 514996 - HttpWebRequest: Connection not closed on error in WebConnectionStream.Close
- 515030 - mdoc will crash if an enumeration contains two members with the same value
- 516455 - System.Net.Mail error on alternativeviews mono 2.4
- 516735 - Application.DoEvents does not call Application.FilterMessage like Application.Run does
- 517166 - Generics sharing causes application to crash
- 517656 - HTML comment in ASPX file causes “;Literal content not allowed for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection”; Exception
- 519336 - Generic sharing causes cctor on parent class to be called only once for multiple generic instances
- 519944 - {PATCH} ToolStripItemCollection Find method always throws exception
- 520397 - App_LocalResources is being ignored
- 520650 - Process.Start inherits environment even when EnvironmentVariables.Clear has been used
- 520690 - using Reflection to Invoke methods with out params throws ‘MissingMethodExp 2’. .NET difference
- 520760 - HashSet<T> implementation of ICollection<T>.Add method throws exception when item already in HashSet
- 520764 - calling RadioButton.Select isn’t setting Checked Property to true .NET difference.
- 521231 - System.Configuration skips xml nodes when reading two ConfigurationElementCollections in a row.
- 521387 - SplitContainer don’t want to be resized
- 521662 - invalid opcode generated for x86 SSE intruction PMINSW
- 521671 - Ungraceful handling of invalid types in catch statment
- 521692 - some function in Mono.Simd.ArrayExtensions class are ignoring offset parameter
- 521718 - System.Drawing.Graphics.CopyFromScreenX11
- 521750 - SortedList: IComparer.Compare arguments are reversed
- 521924 - Path.GetFullPath trims white spaces before files and directories names on Windows
- 521951 - Assigning DataTables to ComboBox DataSources causes cast execption
- 522017 - XSP2: Modifying the web.config causes ThreadAbortExceptions
- 522454 - PropertyGrid: PerformClick on ToolBarButtons doesn’t work
- 522465 - Inserting Double.MaxValue or Double.MinValues throws and overflow exception
- 522624 - SQL Data Adapter issues with NULL columns
- 522789 - Invalid IL generated for anonymous generic function
- 523052 - Process PerformanceCounters broken
- 523386 - Key not found exception when looking up for an action method
- 523418 - GZipStream used as Filter for HttpResponse produces invalid gzip
- 523687 - Aes.Create() returns null
- 524049 - HttpWebRequest and StreamWriter ArgumentException when ContentLength set to 0
- 524460 - CacheDuration is not used on WebMethodAttribute
- 524984 - ASMX web service proxy call causes delay/failure to return to shell (Mono
- 525002 - Treeview behaviour different from .NET
- 525305 - nm-applet fails to grant root access, policykit authorisation
- 525743 - Disabling ValidateRequest has no effect
- 526069 - WebClient.DownloadData / HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus generates incorrect WebException on HTTP error status
- 526297 - System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorAttribute not working due to System.Web.HttpResponseWrapper.TrySkipIisCustomErrors being not implemented
- 526563 - Precompiling for /foo and running as /foo doesn’t work
- 526794 - Inserting empty string saved as null in sql server
- 527177 - missing body encoding in mail
- 527902 - Setting Thread.CurrentUICulture causes memory leak
- 528055 - Obfuscation of field names of anonymous types causes System.MissingFieldException
- 528887 - DataGridView hangs on large number of rows (about 500 and more)
- 529353 - XSP crashes when accessing ‘Message Layout’ for WebService
- 529927 - TreeNodeCollection.Contains() appears to be broken
- 531515 - menu Strip Font inherit
- 531587 - richTextBox1.ResetText(); doesn’t work
- 531983 - Application crashes when i do undoing data in text boxes.
- 532180 - System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase not implemented in v2.4.2.3
- 533166 - No @webservice directive found for precompiled webservice accessed from client proxy.
- 533430 - DataGridView: CellMouseDoubleClick event not fired on a double clicking
- 533435 - DataGridView poor performance when setting dataGridView.Columns{}.AutoSizeMode
- 533893 - Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules crashes on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6)
- 535102 - Timeout in HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() due to use of method HEAD
- 535425 - Slow performance of <string>.Contains(), <string>.BeginsWith etc. Compared to MS’.NET runtime
- 535655 - ProfileCommon class fails to generate when Profile Properties
- 535701 - ASP.NET ListView incorrect calculate TotalRowCount, while create child controls
- 535884 - Textbox fails to update text when it has string created from ASCIIEncoding().GetString
- 535889 - Unable to access output parameter of stored procedure
- 536036 - {PATCH} segfault / stack corruption when embedding a Winforms ToolStrip inside a UserControl
- 536138 - Local Resource object not found for precompiled web sites
- 536143 - Global resources objects do not appear in web pages using explicit localization with precompiled sites
- 536194 - Inifite loop in DataSet.Merge() with itself
- 536364 - Compiler fails on reference to public static string Btn:Reset
- 536547 - DataGridView shows nonexistent columns, Binding Navigator does not worl
- 536757 - ResourceProviderFactory CreateLocalResourceProvider method called with wrong parameter
- 536776 - Mono crashes when creating too many threads or running too many processes
- 537089 - Request.Url incorrect in MVC
- 537131 - DesignSurface View property throws exception
- 537229 - Serialization Problem with DataTable with special caracters columns
- 537283 - Mono applications fail to access network through local squid proxy
- 537604 - DragDrop on DesignSurface doesn’t seem to work
- 537751 - System.Web.Routing: it should not try to parse null or empty string
- 537921 - NullReferenceException in System.Timers.Timer.StartTimer()
- 538013 - System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping does not time out correctly
- 538037 - ISelectionService only available after IDesignerHost.CreateComponent
- 538336 - PropertyGrid unusable when embedded in a MDI child window
- 538929 - DesignSurface.Flush() thows exception
- 539229 - {PATCH} CryptoStream.Read throws IndexOutOfRangeException for some cases
- 539394 - mod_mono web app hangs when a cross-appdomain call results in a ThreadAbortException
- 539550 - native crash when handling exceptions on amd64
- 539791 - DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() Doesnt throw an exception if pointing to a file
- 540593 - System.Console.CapsLock throws exception when accessed
- 541194 - mono_image_close causes sigsegv on some multi-core systems
- 541271 - Src attribute empty for image element using skinid for precompiled site
- 541402 - DesignSurface exception when setting the Font property of the surrounding Form
- 541577 - Function return inconsistent ulong value, which has dummy parameter of a Class and a ulong (re-occurrence of Bug 426264)
- 541607 - securitytrimmingenabled not expected for xmlsitemapprovider
- 541969 - {Regression} Problems with SiteMap virtual path mapping
- 542076 - ‘No data item’ error for formview dropdownlist databind during page onload event
- 542441 - asp:UpdatePanel - problem (throw System.Web.HttpUnhandledException)
- 542461 - Assembly signing configuration properties inconsistent with MSBuild
- 542481 - Extended TreeView control has some rendering issues
- 542484 - Mono uses ResourceProviderFactory different way than .NET
- 542533 - AJAX asp:UpdatePanel’s do not work, if one of it is situated in container with Visible=false
- 542582 - Postback fails if ValidatorOnSubmit() not defined
- 542846 - System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect doesn’t use useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl setting
- 542959 - Incorrect IL generated when creating a delegate
- 543133 - P/Invoke fails for out StringBuilder parameter, wrapping .dll with unicode string
- 543207 - Garbage collection breaks Oracle client
- 543299 - xbuild needs to handle circular imports
- 543717 - KeyEventArgs.SuppressKeyPress Doesn’t Work on TabControl with Arrow Keys
- 543773 - ListView TopItem {set} broken
- 544171 - Maximum value for sessionState timeout doesn’t match Microsoft’s ASP.NET
- 544357 - Sponsoring an object in another appdomain does not appear to work
- 544446 - Calling a method with generic arguments via remoting does not work
- 544518 - certmgr crash parsing command line
- 544565 - ToolTips not working when ShowAlways is set to false
- 544640 - GetIProperties().GatewayAddresses not implemented for Linux
- 544716 - Last columnheader can’t be autosized
- 545276 - ASP.NET shadow copy checks also st_mode field
- 545370 - MojoPortal: useless password recovery mail
- 545429 - Redirected output of spawned process isn’t received in parent process
- 545703 - xbuild multi-line build events from fail
- 545979 - State writer does not support TypeConverters
- 546009 - ComboBox: Set Text property throws exception if using DropDown style and bound to data
- 546053 - Same key already exists in the dictionary error when browsing directly to page in sub-folder for precompiled site
- 546173 - WebColorConvertor ignores named colors
- 547015 - ‘Missing Resource’ error when running Precompiled Blogengine
- 548417 - Runtime crashes in Assembly.GetTypes()
- 548768 - Regression : No globalization in ASP.NET project
- 549108 - app.config with BOM not read
- 549173 - mono_string_builder_to_utf16() returns unitialized data
- 549492 - Gzip files with extra junk hang ReadZStream
- 549580 - Overridden WebClient.GetWebRequest method isn’t called
- 549942 - autoyast module untranslated string “;probe”;
- 550103 - Different meaning of “;~”; in System.Web.HttpContext.RewritePath in 2.4 compared to 2.0
- 550580 - float expression probably optimized in wrong way
- 550730 - Too many instances of ConfigurationSection
- 550960 - Dataset binary serialization fails if first row contains nulls.
- 550964 - Enum values with ulong/long base type are never equal on x86-32
- 550970 - Modulo operation gives incorrect results on x86-32
- 551214 - ComboBox don’t show the whole letter, all in down are not drawed
- 551228 - Race conditions despite locks with Mono 2.4 on IA-64 SGI Altix 4700
- 551513 - System.BadImageFormatException when compiled with mono but not MS Visual Studio
- 551666 - Gridview does not render thead in ASP.NET
- 552457 - MVC not using Views/Web.config
- 553022 - System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection.GetVirtualPath wrongly assumes !requestContext.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath.EndsWith(“;/”;)
- 553063 - System.Web.HttpCookie+CookieNVC is not marked as Serializable
- 553150 - HttpCookieCollection.Add does not allow overwriting existing cookies
- 554324 - {REGRESSION} Can’t login BlogEngine on mono-2.4.3
Installing Mono
Binary Packages and Source Code Downloads:
Source code and pre-compiled packages for Linux, Solaris,
MacOS X and Windows is available from our web site from
the Downloads section.
Quick source code installation:
If we have no packages for your platform, installing from
source code is very simple.
Compile libgdiplus to support System.Drawing:
$ tar xzf libgdiplus-2.4.2.tar.gz
$ cd libgdiplus-2.4.2
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
Then compile Mono itself:
$ tar xzf mono-
$ cd mono-
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install