This page is likely outdated (last edited on 10 May 2011). Visit the new documentation for updated content.


Table of contents


Automatic Memory Management

Mono comes with a garbage collector that allows developers to focus on their software and let the runtime take care of the bookkeeping required to release objects. This avoids common memory leaks and reduces the amount of code that needs to be written to avoid these leaks.

Type Safety

The C# language in combination with the ECMA runtime prevent a whole class of errors from your application. With C# the common errors of reusing disposed objects accidentally, overflowing a buffer, casting an object into the wrong type (leading to corruption), releasing the memory twice or keeping dangling objects are a thing of the past.

C# 3.0

The C# 3.0 language is a rich high-level language that brings many constructs that improve programmer productivity.

In addition to traditional object oriented languages, C# offers many interesting new constructs: type safe generic types, automatic state machines created with iterators, lambda functions and anonymous methods, built-in properties and built-in event systems as well as the System.Linq namespace that allows developers to create functional programming constructs.

The terse syntax allows configurations of objects in one pass:

var slider = new UISlider (new RectangleF (174f, 12f, 120f, 7f)){
    BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear,
    MinValue = 0f,
    MaxValue = 100f,
    Continuous = true,
    Value = 50f,
    Tag = kViewTag
slider.ValueChanged += delegate {
    Console.WriteLine ("New value {0}", slider.Value);

Use Mac OS X APIs

MonoMac binds the Objective-C APIs that developers use on the Mac into MonoMac/API C# APIs that expose the functionality and map this to any ECMA CIL powered language. Objective-C delegates are exposed to C# applications MonoMac/API#Delegates in a number of ways giving developers complete control of how to consume and integrate with native APIs.

MonoMac provides a C#/ECMA binding for:

  • Addressbook and AddressbookUI
  • AudioToolbox
  • AVFoundation
  • CoreAnimation/Quartz
  • CoreGraphics/Quartz
  • CoreLocation
  • CoreMotion
  • EventKit and EventKitUI
  • ExternalAccessory
  • Foundation and CoreFoundation
  • GameKit
  • OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0
  • QuickLook
  • MediaPlayer
  • MessageUI
  • SystemConfiguration

From the pure C#-based event model to the native Objective-C system, the two mechanisms are supported.

For example, to respond to events, programmers can just connect to the events they are interested in:

var page = new UIPageControl (new RectangleF (120f, 14f, 178f, 20f)){
    BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray,
    Pages = 10,
    Tag = kViewTag
page.TouchUpInside += delegate {
    Console.WriteLine ("Current page: {0}", page.CurrentPage);

Access to third party iPhone/Objective-C Libraries

MonoMac allows you to access libraries created in the Objective-C language for the Mac easily and to create C#/.NET bindings to Objective-C libraries.

This process is described in detail in our MonoMac/Binding_New_Objective-C_Types Binding Objective-C libraries.

MonoDevelop Integration

MonoMac is an SDK that can be used with your favorite editor, be it a full integrated development environment or a simple text editor.

MonoDevelop’s code completion helps you quickly explore the API as you write your application: <img src=”” style=”width: 644px; height: 267px;” alt=”Md_hw_iphone19.png” class=”internal default” />

Our tutorial MonoMac/Tutorials/MonoDevelop_HelloWorld walks you through creating your first MonoMac application.

Interface Builder Integration

Both MonoDevelop and the MonoMac SDK allow you to use Interface Builder to create and customize your UIs.

We take Interface Builder one step further than XCode does by making MonoMac automatically bind any outlets you define on your interface and any methods that you define in your interface to your C# code.

You will never have to manually bind any outlets from Interface Builder to your code as MonoMac takes care of this.