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Accessibility: Bridge Functional Specification

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Functional Specification

This document is intended to be a functional description of how System.Windows.Forms widgets are supposed to interact from a user perspective when viewed by Accerciser, or other AT-SPI Assistive Technologies.


  1. Button
    1. Acts As: Push Button
    2. Similar To: GtkButton
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkImage, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Click: State => +Focused
        1. Button Press: State => +Focused, +Armed
        2. Button Release: State => -Armed
  2. CheckBox
    1. Acts As: Check Box
    2. Similar To: GtkCheckButton
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkImage, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Click: State => +Focused, +Checked
        1. Button Press: State => +Focused
        2. Button Release: State => +Checked
  3. CheckedListBox
    1. Acts As: List
    2. Similar To: GtkTreeView (List style)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Manages Descendants, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Children
      1. CheckBox
        1. Acts As: Check Box
        2. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent
        3. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Selectable, Sensitive, Showing, Transient, Visible
        4. Actions: Toggle, Activate
    6. (Inherits: GtkTreeView [List style])
  4. ColorDialog
    1. Acts As: Color Chooser
    2. Similar To: GtkColorSelDialog
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Vertical, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  5. ColumnHeader
    1. Acts As: Table Column Header
    2. Similar To: GtkTreeViewColumn
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkImage, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Selectable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Click: State => +Focused, +Armed, visible-data-changed, -Armed
  6. ComboBox
    1. Simple
      1. Acts As: Tree Table
      2. Similar To: GtkTreeView (List style)
      3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
      4. Actions:
        1. Click
      5. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, ManagesDescendants, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
      6. Children: option_0, option_1 (all roles: table cell)
    2. DropDown
      1. Acts As: Combo Box
      2. Similar To: GtkComboBoxEntry
      3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
      4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
      5. Actions
        1. Anything that changes the selection (key press, mouse press, release…): selection-changed, active-descendant-changed(n, 0, [table_cell_obj) (where n is the pos + 1)
    3. DropDownList
      1. Acts As: Combo Box
      2. Similar To: GtkComboBox
      3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
      4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
      5. Actions
        1. Button Press: State => +Focused
        2. Button Release: selection-changed, State => +Focused
        3. Key Down: selection-changed
  7. ContainerControl
    1. Acts As: Panel
    2. Similar To: GtkLayout
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  8. ContextMenu (deprecated; new: ContextMenuStrip)
    1. Acts As: Menu Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkMenuBar?
    3. Provides: (Inherits: MenuStrip)
    4. Default State: (Inherits: MenuStrip)
    5. Actions: (Inherits: MenuStrip)
  9. ContextMenuStrip
    1. (Inherits: ContextMenu)
  10. DataGrid (deprecated; new: DataGridView)
    1. (Inherits: DataGridView)
  11. DataGridBoolColumn
    1. Acts As: Table Cell
    2. Similar To: GtkCellRendererToggle
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Manages Descendants, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Default Actions: Toggle, Activate
    6. Actions
      1. Toggled: state-changed:checked, state-changed:selected
  12. DataGridTextBoxColumn
    1. Acts As: Table Cell
    2. Similar To: GtkCellRendererText
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkText
    4. Default State: Active, Enabled, Focusable, Selectable, Selected, Sensitive, Showing, Single Line, Transient, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Edit text: text-changed:delete, property-change:accessible-name, text-changed:insert, property-change:accessible-name
  13. DataGridView
    1. Acts As: Tree Table
    2. Similar To: GtkTreeView
    3. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    4. Actions
      1. (Inherits: ListView)
  14. DateTimePicker
    1. Acts As: Calendar
    2. Similar To: GtkCalendar
    3. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    4. Actions: None
    5. Note: GtkCalendar is not currently accessible.
  15. DomainUpDown
    1. Acts As: Spin Button
    2. Similar To: GtkTreeView (List style)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText, AtkEditableText, AtkSelection
    4. Default State: Editable, Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Single Line, Visible, Manages Descendants
    5. Actions:
      1. Item Click: selection-changed
  16. ErrorProvider
    1. Acts As: Panel
    2. Similar To: N/A
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Note: This provider most likely shouldn’t be exported, as it does nothing visibly.
  17. FileDialog
    1. Acts As: Dialog
    2. Similar To: GtkFileChooser
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Resizable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  18. FlowLayoutPanel
    1. Acts As: Panel
    2. Similar To: GtkTable
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  19. FontDialog
    1. Acts As: Font Chooser
    2. Similar To: GtkFontSelectionDialog
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Resizable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  20. Form
    1. Acts As: Frame
    2. Similar To: GtkWindow
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Resizable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  21. GroupBox
    1. Acts As: Panel
    2. Similar To: GtkFrame
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  22. HelpProvider
    1. NOTE: It’s not fully implemented in Mono. See note 1.
  23. HScrollBar
    1. Acts As: Scroll Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkHScrollBar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkValue
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible, Horizontal
    5. Actions
      1. Move scrollbar: property-change:accessible-value
  24. Label
    1. Acts As: Label
    2. Similar To: GtkLabel
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Multi Line, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  25. LinkLabel
    1. Acts As: Label
    2. Similar To: GtkLabel
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText, AtkHypertext, AtkAction
    4. Default State: Enabled, Multi Line, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
  26. ListBox
    1. Acts As: List
    2. Similar To: GtkTreeView (List style)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Manages Descendants, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Children
      1. Text
        1. Acts As: List Item
        2. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction AtkComponent, AtkText
        3. Actions: Activate
  27. ListView
    1. Acts As: Tree Table
    2. Similar To: GtkTreeView (List style)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkSelection, AtkTable
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Manages Descendants, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Children: column_0 (role: table column header), cell_0_in_column_0 (role: table cell), cell_1_in_column_0, …, column_1, cell_0_in_column_1, …
    6. Actions:
      1. Click on column header to cause row reordering: object:row-reordered, object:visible-data-changed
  28. MainMenu (deprecated; new: MenuStrip)
    1. Acts As: Menu Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkMenuBar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  29. MaskedTextBox
    1. (Inherits: TextBox)
  30. MenuItem (deprecated; new: ToolStripMenuItem)
    1. Acts As: Menu Item
    2. Similar To: GtkMenuItem
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkAction, AtkText, AtkSelection
    4. Default State: Enabled, Selectable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions:
      1. Click/Enter(Activate) if child: +Focused, +Selected
      2. Click/Enter(Activate) if parent: +Selected
      3. KeyUp/Down to receive focus if child, or KeyLeft/Right to receive focus if parent: +Selected, +Focused
      4. KeyUp/Down to leave focus: +Focused, -Selected
      5. KeyX to select a child: selection-changed
  31. MenuStrip
    1. Acts As: Menu Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkMenuBar
    3. Provides: (Inherits: MainMenu)
    4. Actions: (Inherits: MainMenu)
  32. MonthCalendar
    1. Acts As: Calendar
    2. Similar To: GtkCalendar
    3. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    4. Actions: None
    5. Note: GtkCalendar is not currently accessible.
  33. NotifyIcon
    1. Note: Notification icons are not currently accessible, although work is on-going.
  34. NumericUpDown
    1. Acts As: Spin Button
    2. Similar To: GtkSpinButton
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkText, AtkValue
    4. Default State: Editable, Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Single Line, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Press Up/Down Button: text-changed:delete, property-change:accessible-value, text-changed:insert
  35. Panel
    1. Acts As: Panel
    2. Simila To: GtkContainer
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  36. OpenFileDialog
    1. (Inherits: FileDialog)
  37. PageSetupDialog
    1. Acts As: Dialog
    2. Similar To: GtkPageSetup
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Modal, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  38. PictureBox
    1. Acts As: Icon
    2. Similar To: GtkImage
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkImage
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  39. PrintPreviewControl
    1. TODO: Research required, as Gtk+ doesn’t currently provide accessible implementations of the Print Preview widget.
  40. PrintPreviewDialog
    1. TODO: Research required, as Gtk+ doesn’t currently provide accessible implementations of the Print Preview widget.
  41. ProgressBar
    1. Acts As: Progress Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkProgressBar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkValue, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  42. PropertyGrid
    1. (Inherits: TreeView)
  43. RadioButton
    1. Acts As: Radio Button
    2. Similar To: GtkRadioButton
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkText, AtkImage
    4. Default State: Armed, Checked, Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Option clicked: State => +Focused, +Checked (other RadioButton if previously checked: -Checked)
  44. RichTextBox
    1. Acts As: Text
    2. Similar To: GtkTextView
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkStreamableContent, AtkText, AtkEditableText
    4. Default State: Editable, Enabled, Focusable, Multi-Line, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. (Inherits: TextBox)
  45. SaveFileDialog
    1. (Inherits: FileDialog)
  46. ScrollableControl
    1. (Inherits: ScrollBar)
  47. ScrollBar
    1. Acts As: Scroll Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkScrollBar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkValue
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Move scrollbar: property-change:accessible-value
  48. Spinner
    1. Acts As: Spin Button
    2. Similar To: GtkSpinButton
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkValue, AtkAction, AtkText, AtkEditableText
    4. Default State: Editable, Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Single Line, Visible
    5. Actions:
      1. Click (on arrow): property-change:accessible-value
      2. (Inherits: TextBox)
  49. SplitContainer
    1. Acts As: Split Pane
    2. Similar To: GtkHPaned (or GtkVPaned, depending on Orientation property)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkValue
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Vertical?, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Move pane: property-changed:accessible-value
  50. Splitter
    1. Acts As: Split Pane
    2. Similar To: GtkHPaned (or GtkVPaned, depending on DockStyle property)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkValue
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Horizontal or Vertical (depending on orientation), Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Move pane: property-changed:accessible-value
  51. StatusBar
    1. Acts As: Statusbar
    2. Similar To: GtkStatusbar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  52. StatusBarPanel
    1. Acts As: Label
    2. Similar To: GtkBin (?)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  53. StatusStrip
    1. Acts As: Statusbar
    2. Similar To: GtkStatusbar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  54. TabControl
    1. Acts As: Page Tab List
    2. Similar To: GtkNotebook
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Change tab: selection-changed, visibile-data-changed
  55. TableLayoutPanel
    1. Acts As: Panel
    2. Similar To: GtkTable
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  56. TabPage
    1. Acts As: Page Tab
    2. Similar To: GtkNotebookPage
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Multi Line, Selectable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible, Selected (if currently selected tab)
    5. Actions: None
  57. TextBox
    1. Acts As: Text
    2. Similar To: GtkTextView
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkStreamableContent, AtkText, AtkEditableText
    4. Default State: Editable, Enabled, Focusable, Multi-Line or Single-Line (depending on Document or Edit control type), Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Click: State => +Focused, text-caret-moved
      2. Move cursor: text-caret-moved
      3. Insert a character: text-changed:insert, text-caret-moved
      4. Select a character: text-caret-moved, text-selection-changed
      5. Delete a character: text-changed:delete, text-caret-moved
      6. Drag and drop a character: text-changed:insert, text-changed:delete, text-caret-moved
  58. ThreadExceptionDialog
    1. Acts As: Dialog
    2. Similar To: None
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Modal, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  59. ToolBar
    1. Acts As: Tool Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkToolbar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  60. ToolBarButton
    1. Acts As: Panel with Push Button child
    2. Similar To: GtkToolbarButton
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkImage, AtkText
    4. Default State: Enabled, Focusable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions
      1. Button Press: State => +Focused, +Armed
      2. Button Release: State => -Armed
  61. ToolStrip
    1. Acts As: Tool Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkToolbar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  62. ToolStripMenuItem
    1. Acts As: Menu
    2. Similar To: GtkImageMenuItem
    3. (Inherits: MenuItem)
  63. ToolStripComboBox
    1. Acts As: Combo Box
    2. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkSelection
    3. Default State: (Inherits: ComboBox)
    4. Actions
      1. (Inherits: ComboBox)
  64. ToolStripDropDownButton
    1. Acts As: Menu
    2. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkAction, AtkText, AtkSelection
    3. Default State: Enabled, Selectable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    4. Actions
      1. (Inherits: MenuItem)
    5. Notes:
      1. Does not have Focusable or Focused state if it is a direct descendant of a ToolStrip.
  65. ToolStripLabel
    1. Acts As: Label
    2. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkText
    3. Default State: Enabled, Multi Line, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    4. Actions: None
  66. ToolStripProgressBar
    1. Acts As: ProgressBar
    2. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent, AtkValue
    3. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    4. Action
      1. (Inherits: ProgressBar)
  67. ToolStripSeparator
    1. Acts As: Separator
    2. Similar To: SeparatorMenuItem
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkComponent
    4. Default State: Enable, Sensitive, Showing, Visible
    5. Actions: None
  68. ToolStripSplitButton
    1. A panel with two buttons: a regular Button with a Toggle Button beside it. The children of the Toggle Button should be MenuItems and it should act similarly to ToolStripDropDownButton.
  69. ToolStripTextBox
    1. Acts As: TextBox
    2. (Inherits: TextBox)
  70. ToolTip
    1. Acts As: Tool Tip
    2. Similar To: GtkTooltip
    3. (Inherits: Window)
  71. TrackBar
    1. Acts As: Slider
    2. Similar To: GtkHScale (or GtkVScale, depending on Orientation property)
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkText, AtkValue
    4. Actions
      1. Move slider: text-changed:delete, text-changed:insert, property-change:accessible-value
  72. TreeView
    1. (Inherits: ListView)
    2. Note: it should have a difference wrt ListView: cells that are below a parent cell should be children in the hierarchy, however, even the GtkTreeview in accerciser doesn’t show this layout.
    3. Actions (apart from ListView’s ones):
      1. Click on [+] to open a subtree: object:bounds-changed, object:visible-data-changed, object:active-descendant-changed, object:row-inserted
  73. VScrollBar
    1. Acts As: Scroll Bar
    2. Similar To: GtkVScrollBar
    3. Provides: AtkAccessible, AtkAction, AtkComponent, AtkValue
    4. Default State: Enabled, Sensitive, Showing, Visible, Vertical
    5. Actions
      1. Move scrollbar: property-change:accessible-value
  74. TODO: WebBrowser (comments on the discussion page)


  1. Another thing that would be useful for QA is to know what the “default” states are for each control and each style of control if applicable. Maybe there are a few states that are common to all default controls? e.g., Visible, Enabled? Not sure on this one. -bgmerrell


  1. HelpProvider. Current implementation in mono supports HelpProvider, however the “?” button isn’t shown in the titlebar, there’s an explanation in Bug 412849 and the working example to fake “?” button if you want to test the implementation in mono.